Sunday, 20 March 2011

what's been going on?

Oh dear, last blog post 7th July 2010. Bit of a fail eh? Not sure this time will be much better but we shall see!

So life since last july has been Edinburgh Fringe, Sunshine on Leith, End of relationship, terrible christmas jobs, new friends, decisions made, tears, laughter, rum, cider and the iodd bit of rock and roll. It's funny looking back at what has past, some major stuff, some not so but this year i've decided is the year that i get me to where i want to be, so in January i set myself the goals. The current one is to lose weight. I done pretty well last year but when i went on tour with sunshine the healthy eating and gym stopped. So i'm not back weight wise to where i was but size wise i'm pretty close. So I have had my first weigh in with weight watchers and i've lost 2lbs. It's a start i guess and ideally another 42lbs to go. And if i continue to lose at 2lbs a week i should be where i want to be on the 7th of Aug, give or take. Just in time for the madness of the Edinburgh Fringe :)
Next is the fitness, i don;t have the gym membership any more so i'm attempting to start running outside on the couch to 5k programme. So far have only got one session in, i need to get myself more motivated for it but i will. This is the time. If i don;t do it now i never will and it will always be something to be unhappy about. so here we go, this is the start. Wish me luck.

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